Sunday, May 22, 2016

8 Weeks

How I am feeling:
Still feel really good, minus the Fatigue.  It hits hard by the afternoon and I am down and out for the count when I get home from work.  I have learned that if there are things I want to get done at home on the weekends I have to get up and get them done, or they wont get done!

Sleep is still going well, no complaints here yet!

Best Moment of the Week:
It was another busy week, and lots of great moments!!  On Saturday I went up to Roseville to meet Mama B (my former boss from my Augsburg days, who has always been like a second mom) and Shonna for breakfast. I wanted to tell as many people as I could in person, and thankfully we have all talked about getting together for a long time that they didn't think much of it! We met for breakfast at the Original Pancake House (yummy!) and shortly after sitting down I let the cat out of the bag! The surprise was epic, Momma B screamed and the whole restaurant looked at us! It was epic haha, I figured some kind of reaction like that would happen! It was so great to catch up with them and of course talk baby!

After breakfast I headed home for Aza and Liams dance recital! When we walked into the high school, I told Tavid that if we have a little girl (or even boy) that this was our future! haha I don't think he is quite ready for sparkly costumes and hairspray! (Liam wasn't feeling a picture after the recital!)

On Sunday, Katie and I headed up to the cities for our old Youth Director Jay's graduation from Luther Seminary with his Doctorate in Ministry! It was so great to see him and his family again! Of course it wasn't enough time to catch up, but it was better then nothing!  We also ate chipotle before the ceremony, and it was delicious!

 Food in general! haha I haven't really been craving anything specific. I have been eating a lot of Grapes, bananas, yogurt, carrots and ranch dip. Other then seafood (which i didn't like even before I was pregnant) I am eating anything!

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