Friday, August 5, 2016

19 Weeks

How I am feeling:
Still feel good, no complaints!

Sleep is still the same, not much to complain about.  I went to a prenatal yoga class last Sunday, and we did a stretch that was painful but felt good for my IT bands.  Hoping the studio that I went to adds a month prenatal class, cause I think that pose along with others will be good! I have a massage coming up that I have been looking forward too, I can't wait!

Still loving the chicken strips but I also LOVE ice cream, I just can't get enough! haha

Best Moment of the Week:
This week was pretty quiet, as of Monday August 1st we were two weeks away from our anatomy scan, which we cannot wait for! We have been getting things ready for our Gender Reveal party on Saturday August 20th.  We are excited to get to announce to all our friends and family what Baby Caswell is!  We also had Tavid's cousin Katie's wedding on Saturday.  Here is us at the reception.

Early in the day on Saturday I went up to Fairbault to meet my cousin Jessie and her husband Mark to watch them get tattoos from the tattoo artist who did my last 3 tattoos.  Definitely gave me the itch but it will be awhile before I get another one ;)

Sunday was low key for us, finished up a few things in the nursery but nothing major.  Here's a collage of each part of the nursery so far! The elephant stand was mine from when I was a kid, and I am so glad that I kept it and can now put it in my child's room! One of my mom's clients made it for me, along with a stool with my name on it as puzzle pieces and a baby doll cradle.

 I sure wish we could still find things like this these days, I would love to find someone who makes a stool like the one above.  As you can see this stool got lots of love over the years! It went with me to college, my apartments and my first house! I hope I can find something like it for Baby C!

1 comment:

  1. My friends the Reese's got a couple for their girls!! I'll ask where they got them!
