Friday, November 18, 2016

34 Weeks

How I am Feeling:
Other then feeling huge, I feel good. No major swelling and no heartburn, so I really can't complain!

Sleep has really taken a turn for the worse this week. I just can't get comfortable, each position is only good for a little bit, and I feel like I have to pee constantly! Some positions, baby boy makes it known that he hates and makes me miserable!

Nothing new :)

Best Moment of the Week:
Not a ton going on this week.  Working on finishing up our to do list before Baby Boy gets here.  Tavid hung up these ceramic bears in his room.  These were my dads, and also were in my nursery. It felt right for them to have a home in his also.

I also have this adorable elephant sweater on display in his room.  My Aunt Patty gave it to me at one of my showers.  My mom made it for my cousin Nathan, it goes perfectly in his room and I never knew how talented my mom was with knitting.

We also are in the process of getting our cars detailed in preparation to install the carseat.  Our neighbor does them, and he does an AMAZING job.  He did mine this past weekend, and will do Tavid's this next weekend.  If you are in need of a car detail, go to A&R Detailing in Owatonna, you won't be disappointed! It feels like I have a brand new car!

This week was our last two childbirth classes.  They really have been great, we both feel like we have learned a lot.  it was also nice to get introduced to ECFE classes here in Owatonna.  We both feel like they will be great for us to do with him and to help him grow and for us to connect with other parents.  

Our last class we toured the birth center.  So great to get a feel for where our home will be when we have baby!

We had our new member class at Trinity this week.  We decided that since we are going to be getting him baptized at Trinity, that we also wanted to become members there.  We really like the church and the congregation, and it feels like the right step for our family! Looking forward to be apart of the Trinity Family and to have baby boy get involved when he gets older!

We also had our 34 week appointment, we talked through the big day a bit, and some of what we want to follow for our birth. Baby boy was quite active, and we can't believe we are so close to having him here with us!

Today was also my last day driving to Austin! I am now working out of the owatonna campus until I return from maternity leave! I will miss everyone on the Austin campus, but I am looking forward to a much shorter commute, and to be much closer to the hospital for when he makes his appearance. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are ready to go! Let me know if you need anything :) Love you lots!
