Saturday, March 18, 2017

Three Months Old

Lots to report this month! Noah is 3 months and he is:
24.5 inches long

On February 25th we got Noah Baptized at Trinity Lutheran Church.  He did great! His baptismal outfit was made out of my moms wedding dress.  I had spent a lot of time trying to think of a cool thing to do with my moms dress, and decided I wanted to have it made into Baptismal gowns. I had one made for Noah and a dress made for our future girl (hopefully!). What better way then to honor my moms memory, then to have her wedding gown be worn by her grandchildren while hey are baptized. After his baptism, we had a party our at my Aunt Pattys house. It was such a great day!

Noah in his Baptism outfit made from my mom's wedding dress
Nick and Tarra - Noah's Godparents

Tavid, Amber, Noah, Tarra and Nick

Mommy, Daddy and Noah 

Noah and Piper met for the first time! They were born a day a part!

On Sunday the 26th we got Noah Baptized at Zwingli by Pastor Jortack. It meant a lot to me to have Pastor Jortack baptize Noah, he played such an important part in my parents life and mine, he married Tavid and I and it seemed appropriate that he would welcome Noah into Gods family.  Noah is extra blessed now ;)

This month also meant my final days at home with Noah were coming to an end. However, before it ended we had Noah's 3 month pictures! Here are a few of our favorites!

My mom made this blanket for my cousin Nicks' daughter Aza when she was born. They gifted it back to me at our baby shower, so special!

Look how much he has grown in 3 months!

On March 11th the last baby was born in our pregnancy group! We took Noah up to meet him that night, but we didn't get a picture of the boys until a few days later!
Jeremy and Noah

On March 13th I returned to work. It was hard but it was nice to get back into a normal routine again. Noah spend Monday and Tuesday at home with Daddy, so I think that helped those first two days back to work. It also helped that our daycare is right across from our house, and a long time neighbor. Made the Daycare drop off, much easier!  Plus, Noah loves daycare!
Mommys first day back to work

Noah's first day of daycare! 3/15/17

Noah also had another holiday first, st. patricks day!

How cute is this shirt?

Here's some of our favorite Noah pictures from this month!

Add and Noah at baby class

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