Tuesday, April 19, 2016


This post wont be live for a while, but I have a goal to document throughout this exciting time in our life!

After we got married we decided in September to pull our birth control and expand our family.  I spoke with my doctor, and figured it wouldn't be long before we were pregnant.  Even on birth control, I had a regular period so I wasn't concerned with having to wait for it to get regular.  I was quite wrong on getting pregnant quick, we went month after month of disappointment, I even stopped tracking for a few months because I was frustrated.  It wasn't until after my yearly physical appointment, that I got back to tracking regularly.  I spoke to my doctor about my concerns, and she assured me it can take time and that they don't get concerned until you have been trying for a year, at this point we had only been trying 6 months.  February-March was a disappointment month, but we decided to not let us get it down and we had a whole new month ahead of us.  I was suppose to get my period April 16th, like I said earlier, I am regular, 28 days to a T.  I took a pregnancy test on Wednesday April 13th but it came out negative.  I knew it was early but figured this wasn't our month either so I just went on expecting my period on Saturday.  Friday I was at my friend Cassies house to drop off her graduation gown, and we were chatting and her daughter comes up to me and says "Amber, are you going to have a baby like my mommy?" I said no, hopefully sometime soon! I didn't think much of it until I got home and realized that none of my regular period symptoms had shown up, so I figured I would take a test, it would be negative and then I can just move onto the next month.

I took the test, and sure enough TWO lines appeared. I couldn't believe it! I thought for SURE it would be negative just like all the previous months.

I didn't have any more tests so I figured I would just go with it and tell Tavid after dinner.  We had plans to go to the KC Hall, it was hard to keep that quiet! I already had a little I <3 Dad onsie that I had been stashing that I was planning to use with the pregnancy test to tell him. When we got home, I gave him the gift and he asked really. I stupidly said Maybe haha mainly because I had only taken one test, so he said we better go get some more to make sure! I ended up taking almost 5 more tests and each one had the line! We were both excited! But we also wanted that confirmation from the doctor just to make sure.

We called on Monday April 18th to schedule our appointment.  Our first appointment was Tuesday April 19th! We meet with a Nurse Educator first and then meet with the doctor around week 10.  At our Nurse Educator appointment we discussed a confirmation pregnancy test, she stated they don't do those anymore and asked how many tests we took, I said 5! and she said then there isn't a doubt that we are pregnant :) So exciting!

We made the decision to go with a Family Doctor vs Ob, simply because of my asthma I wanted a one stop shop and someone who would know my asthma history.  My doctor left back in october so I had been looking for a new one.  We see our doctor May 23rd! By the time this gets posted it will have past, but we are really excited!  We also shared with the Nurse Educator that we were selfish and wanted to have an ultrasound, typically with Family you don't have on until 20 weeks unless there is a concern or high risk pregnancy.  She said she would talk with our doctor and see what she would say.  Our doctor sent me a note through the portal and said she has no concerns with us doing an ultrasound after 6 weeks, then we can measure and see where we are at.  That solidified that we made the right choice with picking family, huge relief! Our ultrasound was scheduled for May 2nd! They also like you to see a nutritionist, I already had been seeing the nutritionist before getting pregnant to try to get the scale to move again. I saw her May 3rd, and am hoping to see her throughout my pregnancy to make sure that I am on track with gaining.  At our Nurse Educator appointment they want me to gain only 15pounds, so I am trying my hardest to keep to that! I have been running as much as I can (I get winded so much quicker now!) and am hoping to get back to the gym on a regular basis.

We are so excited for this adventure and we can't wait to share it with the world!

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