Friday, July 1, 2016

14 weeks

How I am Feeling:
After our Maryland adventure, I was exhausted and ended up using the weekend to try to catch up on sleep! I also ended up coming down with a cold which always affects my Asthma. I was hopeful that it wasn't going to move into my chest, but on Sunday it did so I had to resort to my Asthma Action Plan and begin a steroid to get past it.  Thankfully, on Monday June 27th was our 14 week appointment, so I could talk to our doctor about it and make sure everything was going well.  When we had meet with her at our 9 week appointment, she had given me a prescription for prednisone to use if I had a flare up, so I knew it was safe but still just wanted to make sure.  Other then this, I have been feeling well, hopeful the fatigue is exiting soon!

With not getting much sleep on our airport adventure, I was exhausted! I slept a lot for the next few days after we got home, and on the weekend I took quite a few naps. I feel being sick also wasn't helping with that. I feel like I am sleeping much better now that we are home, but still not 100%, having to find a comfortable spot is getting tough.

Just food in general :)

Best Moment of the Week:
This week is pretty uneventful for us, however we did have our 14 week appointment and we go to hear baby heartbeat.  It was beating strong at 155! Doctor wasn't too concerned with my flare up, however she did say that if the prednisone wasn't helping to send her a message so we could look at some other options. 

I also met with my nutritionist.  Since they only want me to gain a maximum of 15lbs, I choose to keep meeting with my nutritionist on a regular basis throughout my pregnancy to keep on top of my weight.  At my appointment we looked at weight gain, and as of that day I have only gained 4lbs, which was really surprising and exciting to hear! I feel like I have gained so much more, so it was nice to see the weight comparison and that I am right on track.  We also adjusted my macro-nutrients.  I told her that I felt hungry constantly in the morning, but once I had lunch I didn't get the constant hunger.  After looking at my tracking on MyFitnessPal, we decided that I needed to add more protein to my breakfast, so hopefully with adjusting that I can help keep my hunger at bay.  I learned early in my pregnancy, that being hungry for too long brews a headache, so I have been trying to stay on top of my hunger. So hopefully, spreading out my protein more will really help! She also wants me to start to build activity back into my routine. Tavid and I are hoping to be able to bike or walk on the weekends, to help me get back into that routine. The nutritionist has really been a valuable experience through my pregnancy, and I am so glad I choose to keep meeting with her.

This weekend we will be getting ready for our garage sale with are having with my Friend Cassie which is the weekend of the 9th, and of course celebrating the 4th of July.  We are both looking forward to a weekend of not having a ton to do, so we can get our life back in order!

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