Friday, July 8, 2016

15 Weeks

How I am Feeling:
I still feel good, however headaches have been happening more frequently.  My doctor had warned me that they would show up more around these next few weeks, but I wasn't prepare for the monster I had on July 6th. I woke up at 2am with a pounding headache, so I took some tylenol, drank some water and figured it would be gone when I got up for work.  When it wasn't gone when I woke up I figured I just needed to eat, I learned early on that when I didn't eat on a regular basis, then I would get a headache.  I went to work but as the day progressed it got worse and started to move to behind my eyes, so I headed home around noon to try to sleep it off before it got bad.  Unfortunately, it turned into a full blown migraine and I ended up throwing up from it (something I have never had with a migraine). Once I threw up though, all the pressure in my head lessened significantly, and by the next day I felt much better. So far that has been the worst I have had during this pregnancy, I haven't had a headache like that since, and hope I don't.  I do plan to talk to our doctor about it at our 18 week appointment, to see if there are things I need to do to not let them get that bad.  I have read that sometime pregnancy brings on migraines even if you aren't prone to them. So I guess we will just wait and see.  Besides that, I have felt great!

Still decent, some days are better then others.  My left IT band has been bothering me for a few weeks, and when I sleep on that side my leg feels like it is going numb, and it is a feeling I don't care for.  I have been using KT tape (which I used to use a lot when I ran) and that has been helping a lot with this situation.  I also am hoping to get in for a few massages to help loosen up that band. I guess it is common in pregnancy, and my doctor said unfortunately, it will get worse before it gets better. I am grateful the KT tape has been helping, otherwise I would be miserable sleeping.

Food and lots of it :)

Best Moment of the Week:
It was the fourth of July weekend, so on Saturday we headed over to Tavid's mom for the Francis BBQ, it was relaxing and really nice to see everyone, as it had been a while. On Sunday we layed low and home and just enjoyed not having to do much.  Monday was the 4th of July, and we headed to the Gaul picnic over the lunch hour, and then that was the extent of our 4th of July, Tavid choose to switch with someone to work Tuesday July 5th so that he could have Saturday the 9th off, so we choose not to go to the fireworks.  I have Tuesday the 5th off and I spent the day going through things for my Garage Sale with Cassie the next weekend.  I ended up pairing down our entire storage room by half! It is crazy how much stuff I was able to get rid of for the sale, it made room so that when we went through the closet of the babies room, we had somewhere to put that stuff.

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